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Upgrade your Spotlight searches with Alfred

Locating and opening a file, folder or application isn’t exactly difficult, but since it’s one of the most common tasks you’ll perform on your Mac, anything that can make this process even slightly easier is going to be a real time-saver.

Alfred is a productivity app that lets you locate and launch any file, folder, application or utility from a Spotlight-style search bar that you can open at any time using a keyboard shortcut. This may sound like a minor tweak, but when you consider how many files, folders and applications you launch during a typical Mac session, this one small change has the potential to save you a significant amount of time and effort in the long run.

In this article, I’ll show you how to get started with this powerful productivity app, and introduce you to all the keywords you’ll need, in order to locate and launch any item, anywhere on your Mac. I’ll also be exploring some of Alfred’s other productivity features, including using Alfred to search any website, directly from its Spotlight-style search bar.

Setup Alfred

To get Alfred up and running on your Mac:

At this point, Alfred is installed and ready to use, but while we have the ‘Preferences’ window open there’s a few extra steps you can take, in order to ensure you’re getting the most out of Alfred.

Launch automatically at startup

You can only call the Alfred search bar to the foreground if Alfred is already open, so for the best results you should set this application to launch automatically at startup:

If you change your mind at any point and want to prevent Alfred from launching at startup, then navigate back to Alfred’s ‘Preferences… > General’ window. Alternatively:

Select a new keyboard shortcut

As long as Alfred is running in the background, you can call its search bar to the foreground at any time using the ‘Alt + Space’ keyboard shortcut.

If you’d prefer to use a different shortcut, then Alfred supports any combination of ctrl, alt, or cmd and space/character. Note that you must use at least one modifier and key in your keyboard shortcut, and you cannot use a combination of keys that’s already used elsewhere on your Mac.

To use a different keyboard shortcut:

Set your location

Alfred can provide you with more accurate results and suggestions if it knows where you are in the world, for example if you set your location as ‘UK’ then Alfred will use, rather than

To set your location:

Now that Alfred’s setup, let’s explore some of the ways that Alfred can make your life easier.

Launch an application

To quickly and easily launch any application that’s installed on your Mac:

Locating and launching files

To find a file or folder:

To launch a file:

Alternatively, you can open a file or launch an application by calling the Alfred search bar to the foreground, and then pressing the space bar followed by the name of the file or application that you want to open.

Use the calculator

You can perform all the standard mathematical calculations, by typing them directly into the Alfred search bar. The following calculations are supported:

Definitions and spelling

Alfred integrates with macOS’ built-in Dictionary to provide you with definitions and spell-checking functionality:

Perform web searches

Alfred comes with a long list of keywords that let you perform searches on popular websites such as Google, Twitter, Facebook and Google Maps, directly from the Alfred search bar.

To view all the keywords that Alfred supports:

This window displays all of Alfred’s ready-made keywords and their associated action, for example the keyword “Twitter” performs the “Search Twitter for (query)” action. Let’s imagine you wanted to perform a Twitter search for the word “Apple.” In this scenario, you’d:

Alfred supports a long list of keywords by default, but if your favourite website isn’t included in this list, then you can create your own, custom keyword(s):

If at any point you want to make some changes to your custom keyword:

Purchase a Powerpack

If you enjoy the features that Alfred offers for free, then you may want to consider upgrading by purchasing a “powerpack,” which includes additional features not available in the free version of Alfred. These features include the ability to control and search your iTunes collections, support for custom filters, and a fully-searchable clipboard. You can learn more about the Powerpack upgrade, at the official Alfred website.

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