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Siri and Dwayne Johnson star in new Apple movie

It has been announced that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has joined forces with Apple to create a movie that features none other than the company’s artificial intelligence based personal assistant, Siri.

Johnson posted a tweet saying the movie will be called The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day. No specifics are available at this stage regarding its length or what it is about, but reportedly it will be released on Apple’s YouTube channel today.

Based on the poster Johnson shared, the narrative is likely to feature space travel, car chases, a fight with aliens and a concert. Johnson called it: “the biggest, coolest, craziest, dopest, most over the top, funnest (is that even a word?) movie ever.”

He has stated that he also has the greatest co-star in history — Siri.

He added that he made films for everyone to enjoy, and they made this one in particular to get people out there and “get the job done.”

Johnson continued: “I want you to watch it, have fun with it and then go LIVE IT.”

The movie will be uploaded to Apple’s YouTube channel today, but the specific time of release remains a secret. The chances are that, by the time you read this, it’s already up and running.

This is not the first time Apple has signed up a partner to create a short movie. In June, the company premiered ‘Detour’ — a film shot entirely on an iPhone by French movie director Michel Gondry in partnership with Apple, and in an unmistakable Apple style.

What makes the firm’s partnership with Dwayne Johnson noteworthy is that it coincides with Apple getting ready to debut its new HomePod, which might be why it made the decision to boost Siri’s fame in this unique and fun way.

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