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How to Release an iOS App on Apple’s Appstore

Submitting your app to apple can be a very scary process. This guide will help you get your app onto the app store and hopefully earn you some cash!

Certificates & Provisioning Profile

You will have to setup your certificates and profiles. You can create a distribution certificate and profile by selecting the distribution tab on iOS Provisioning Portal.

Useful Apple Rules I Have Found

Build App in Xcode

Once you have finished your app you can change xcode to release. Build the version and then you should get a binary file.

Contracts, Tax and Banking

You will have to fill out your company tax info before you can submit apps. Read through the contracts and then accept if your happy.

You can do this in the itunes connect.

Adding Your App

You can add your app in itunes connect by going to manage applications. Select add new app button.

You will need to enter a app name, which hasn’t been used before on appstore. You will then need to enter a random SKU.

The next section you will have to select if you want to charge for the app. If you want to make the most money try release for free and use iAds. If you release a paid version, make sure you release a free demo as it helps to drive the sales.

The last section is information about your app such support info, images, age restrictions etc.

Submit Binary to Store

Select your app from the manager and then go to view details. Press ready to upload binary. Open -> Application Loader which is part of xcode tools and follow the process.

Approval Process

This process is very tough to pass. Don’t be disheartened if your app gets rejected. It may take a few submits before it goes onto the store.

If you follow the apple guideline then your app should get through first go.

This process can be slow. It can often take from 1 week to a few months. It really all depends how busy apple is and how many apps they are approving. Please be patient.

Sales and Trends

Apple publishs daily metrics in the sales and trends.

I would recommend signing up to appannie for detailed reports.

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